Mirror Mirror On the Wall

 Mirrored Sunnies


When it comes to fashion, I can't help but think that girls or anyone super into the fashion industry are all a little obsessed with themselves. Now, before you start tweeting at me for calling you a narcissist, stop and consider the facts and the habits of our everyday lives. When you wake up in the morning and style your current favorite silk top in a new and improved way, do you not become a little infatuated with yourself? Tell me, how many selfies did you take in the mirror before heading out the door? How many snaps did you send your friends just to show off your outfit with important information written on the side of a pic of your full body look? What's that you say?!  "But they needed to see a full 360 view of the look" to know you were #TooTiredToFunction that morning, right? No. What you actually needed them to see was how cute you look in blush colored silk.

Don't get me wrong; I am in no way saying this is a bad thing! If being all dolled up gives you an extra confidence boost and makes you strut a little harder, then I'm all for it! What's a small side of conceit if it is follow by a huge helping of self-assurance? And of course I cannot act like I've never glanced at my own reflection in a store window while pretending to be looking at whatever was on display. Let's just face it, this is who we are!

With this in mind it came as no surprise to me that "It Girls" everywhere were subconsciously drawn to the latest trend in the sunglasses department: mirrored lenses. Not only are they a fabulous way to block out your haters, but put two fashion girls together and we are bound to hit our friend with the "Hold still while I reapply" line while using the reflection of our friend's sunnies.


Photos by Rachel Morrison

Vivre dans le luxe,


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