Book Club

Anyone who knows me knows that I absolutely adore reading! I must confess that when I find a good book, I will spend well over half of the day ignoring everyone and everything that is not printed on those pages. I think I become so infatuated with reading during the summer because I 100% refuse to read anything other than my textbooks while school is in. isn't so much that I refused to read for fun, it's more like my conscience tells me that if I have time to read it should really be something that would help me pass whatever upcoming test, quiz, etc. that was surely waiting for me.

While reading a book cover to cover can be super fun, it can also become a difficult process if you choose a bad book. While most books will have what I call the "crust of boring" (The first 1-3 chapters that have very little action and are really just there to introduce the characters and what not), you can only take so much before your pleasant reading time turns into a "how much longer can this go on?!" fest. So in hopes of eliminating some of your chances of accidentally picking up a snooza-palooza book, here are a few of my favorite summer readings so far!


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