Did Sorority Girls Influence a Huge Trend at NYFW?

The T-Shirt Dress

2001 was an extremely important year for girls like me because one of our ultimate heroes came to light: Elle Woods. While I was only 6 that year, I strongly believe that Legally Blonde was implanted into my subconsciousness and played a major role in my decision to go Greek in college. Why? What girl didn't want to live in a mansion surrounded by well-dressed, pink-obsessed girls who would become her best friends?!

It would not be until I had fully dived into Greek life that I realized Elle and the gang did not accurately depict what sorority life was really like. The biggest deception? Their attire. While we were all led to believe by this movie classic that we would be walking around in pink, Chanel-like tweed suits (the skirt hemmed into a mini, obviously) for chapter meetings or matching sweater sets while walking to class, that is MOST definitely not the case. 

So what do sorority girls really wear? Two words: Big T-shirts. No really. I could walk around my college campus any day and easily spot my fellow Greek women by their cute, over sized t-shirts that hide their Nike shorts (yes they are wearing pants, yes they do get questioned on that a lot, and YES it does get annoying), and their white converse. While I do consider myself 100% a typical sorority girl, I have always stayed true to my fashion girl persona and opted out of big t-shirts so I could dress up for class. Well according to styles seen at New York Fashion Week, maybe it is time for me to give in.

These two photos were screen shot off of the New York Fashion Week Snapchat stream and were filed under some of the best-dressed girls walking the NYC streets. To me this was *shocking*! It looks like I need to ditch my skirts and semi-sensible shoes and start strutting around campus in my big t-shirts and a cute handbag. Who would have thought the "Sorority Girl" look could end up making you look like you were fresh off the streets of The Big Apple?

Vivre dans le luxe,


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