10 Things Fashion Girls Hate


1. When your sticky boobs aren't sticky enough
Nothing makes you internally scream with panic than feeling your "bra" slowly peeling off under your top midway through a conversation.

2. High heels that hurt your feet
Look just go numb already! Better to worry tomorrow why you still can't feel your little toe than spend your night in pain.

3. When you show up looking like Kate Middleton and your friends show up looking like Britney Spears during her Ugg obsession phase
"Hey girls, thanks for coming! Just one question, why do you hate me?"

4. Hearing girls complain about wearing a dress
You do realize it takes less effort to throw a dress on than put together a matching top/bottom outfit, right?

5. When your black doesn't match your black
Seriously though, it is 2016 can the fashion industry agree to only use the blackest black dye on clothes and nothing else? There is no reason you should have to check to make sure your black skirt perfectly correlates with your black crop top.

6. Hearing "Why does it matter what I wear? We are just going to the airport?"
If you say this, you are the worst kind of person. It matters. Always has, always will. If you don't believe me please search "airport style" in Pinterest and prepare to have the next hour of your life slip by.

7. When guys say brunch is just a meal
NO. You're wrong. Brunch is special. Brunch is sacred.

8. Buying something then realizing it has to be hand washed
Might as well just buy it, wear it once, then throw it away because by the time you dig it out of the bottom of your hamper finally mentally prepared for the wash it will probably be three seasons old.

9. When your lace up sandals fall constantly throughout the day
You essentially have two options: a) tie them so tight you lose blood flow to your calves or admit defeat and just wrap them around your ankles.

10. Bad lighting
Just no.

Vivre dans le luxe,


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