What Fashion Girls Want For Valentine's Day


Love is in the Air

Ah, Valentine's Day! The one day a year where your friends cannot judge you for posting a perfectly staged picture of you and your boyfriend staring deeply into each others eyes with a caption so sappy it must be a Nicholas Sparks quote. Everything about this holiday is so romantic, pink and fluffy that there is nothing that could possibly bring you down from cloud nine, right? Wrong.

Nothing reminds you more than receiving a box of assorted chocolates and a bouquet of carnations that you met your boyfriend a month ago on Tinder. "Does he even know you?" you'll think as you try to ignore the fact that the mystery chocolate you just bit into is jelly filled. Jelly filled?! But it's the thought that counts, right? Maybe.

Listen to me Darling, if you want your Valentine's Day to be filled with all the love and giggles that the Hallmark commercials promise you, buy yourself a bottle of Veuve Clicquot (because if he brings you a bottle of Barefoot Bubbly from HEB you might actually scream) and send him a link to this page. Don't worry. I know what we fashion girls really want for Valentine's Day.

Vivre dans le luxe,


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