Welcome to Cuba

Half of My Heart is in Havana

A few months ago I had taken a tumble down yet another internet rabbit hole, when I stumbled across something that peaked my interest. I clicked on a link that brought face to face with the "Events" page of The Ivy's website. Never heard of The Ivy? Until that moment, neither had I. Allow me to enlighten you. According to their LinkedIn account, "IVY is the world's first Social University, created to unite thoughtful individuals through a robust curriculum of experiences spanning the Arts, Entrepreneurship, Policy, Well-being, and Social Impact." Essentially, it is like joining a club that host different events through which you get to meet new people, network, and make lasting connections.
The Ivy's unique concept wasn't the thing that really drew me in though. It was a banner advertising their upcoming trip to Cuba. Being the travel junkie that I am, I quickly clicked the link and began absorbing all the information about this seemingly splendid adventure. The itinerary looked intriguing, the timing happened to be perfect, and the price was right!
However, seeing as how I was not a member of The Ivy, I knew that I wouldn't know any of the other travelers that would be accompanying me on this group trip. I quickly reached out to a number of my well-traveled friends and asked them to come along, but I had no luck. Everyone was busy preparing for other travel plans or couldn't take off work. This plopped me right back in an oh so familiar spot. I had once again come to a fork in the road. Do I stroll down the adventurous path? Take a trip to a foreign country with a group of perfect strangers? Or do I veer toward my usual path of comfort and safety? Give up the chance to see this unfamiliar and exciting place because going alone would force me to take a leap of faith right out of my secure little bubble?
After weeks of deliberation, I finally decided that this was my moment. It was time to go venture out into the world and find something that was going to inspire me. Something that made me feel strong, absolute, and live. So one sunny October morning, with shaking hands and a nervous smile, I set off to Ft. Lauderdale to meet my new travel buddies. And then it was off to Havana...

Not going would have been a horrible mistake. And now that I know I can do it on my own, there's nothing that can hold me back.

Keep checking back to see the rest of my Cuban adventure.

Vivre dans le luxe,


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